Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Yoga Pose - Slacking Off And Getting Stung


This weekend, I didn't do any yoga poses.
Monday, I payed for it big time!

I have sort of a lump of muscles in the
back of my neck, on the left side, that
feels like it grows when I tense up.

I did some yoga poses today, and I can
feel my shoulders slowly falling back down
into place -- with the result that the
uncanny lump of stress in the neck shrinks

What I did, was a very simple breathing

Stand in front of a window.

Feel connected to the floor. Feel the weight
of your body being in your legs and feet --
I want your balance to be down there, not in
your stomach or in your chest or anything.

Feel that your feet are heavy, and that you
are in balance, and connected to the floor.

Okay, now, slowly breath in through the nose.
Usually, we breath in fairly quickly, so take
note to breath in slowly.

Hold your breath for a couple of seconds --
this should not be uncomfortable --
then release it through your mouth.

Repeat a couple of times.

Pay special attention to your stomach. We
all seem to pull it in all the time -- maybe
we think we are too fat.

When you do this breathing exercise, let your
stomach go. Come on, nobody's watching you. Be
yourself, as fat or skinny as you are.

Your stomach is probably full of tension.

Let go!

Let relaxation come to you, don't chase it.

Let go! Breath...



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